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In this project I used machine learning to train an algorithm on my own biased data set inspired by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This algorithm predicts which latest news article is compatible to which personality type.


Within the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator there are four styles of communication: The way people give and get their information and how people make decisions. You can categorise people into four types.


The term homophily means that people are more likely to connect to people who are similar to them. Especially in values, socioeconomic status, characteristics and beliefs. This can be problematic, because it will lead to discrimination and can affect our understanding of democracy. It is important to pay close attention to what extent these patterns are built on sexist, classist and racist beliefs, because algorithms constantly decide what will be included and what will be excluded.


News headlines: Fox News

Accuracy: 77,84%

Runtime: every 10 min

Published in:

De noodzaak van hedendaagse archivering - Archivenblad

Artikel Noodzaak van Archivering_Van Essen en Meerdink Archivenblad 



Aim to approach life in an

objective, and analytical manner. Like to focus on facts and details.  


Aim to approach life in a 

people-orientated and practical manner. Like to focus on service and details.


Aim to approach life in an objective and theoretical manner. Like to focus on possibilities and  technical applications.


Aim to approach life in a

people-orientated and abstract manner. Like to focus on

 possibilities and vision.

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